3D Christmas Tree
This three-dimensional tree is one of the simplest ways for your child to make a Christmas tree this year. If you're up for something a little more complicated though, you might want to try out
this one too.
Time: 35 minutes
Age: Any Age
Level: Easy
Plain white cardboard or sturdy paper
Green paint and paintbrush
Cut your piece of cardboard in half.
Cut out two Christmas tree shapes. Try to make sure they are as similar as you can make them (trace around the first one you cut if you need to).
Paint the shapes green on one side.
Let the paint dry.
Paint the other sides. You may want to paint on some decorations at this stage too.
Let the paint dry.
Create a slit up the middle of one of the trees, stopping halfway up.
Create a slit in the other tree shape, from the top downwards this time. Again, stop at the halfway point.
Use the slits you have created to slot the two pieces together. The tree should now stand by itself.
238280 - 2023-07-18 03:53:36