Accordion People
This is a simple way of building a car park for the kids to place their car toys. Make use of some recycled cardboard and toilet rolls to create this car project.
Time: 15 minutes and additional drying time
Age: Any Age
Level: Easy
2 pieces of thick cardboard
4 toilet rolls
1 A4 coloured paper
Glue, scissors, black marker and ruler
Measure and cut 2 cardboard pieces 28cm x 20cm and 1 piece 6cm x 18cm.
Use marker to draw parking lines on the cardboard pieces. You can make use of a car toy as guide.
Cover your toilet rolls with coloured papers, if desired.
Glue the rolls on first large cardboard, one in each corner.
Put glue on top of each roll and gently press the second large cardboard.
Glue the small cardboard on one side to make the ramp.
Leave to dry before using the car park.
#car park
#toilet roll
238765 - 2023-07-18 04:12:22
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