Aeroplane Journey Scavenger Hunt Game
Here's an easy scavenger hunt game to play on a long aeroplane journey for under 10s. It doesn't cost anything, makes no mess and just uses things found in your seat pocket.
Time: 30 minutes
Age: Under 5's, 5-10's
Level: Easy
Airline magazine
Piece of paper (or airline sick bag)
The scavenger hunt setter identifies items in the airline magazine and draws pictures of these on the paper with a tick box next to each item
Find interesting pictures in the airline magazine
Can you find... a sheep, a car, a handbag, a watch, handbag and some tomatoes...
The seeker then has to find the items throughout the magazine. Tick each item off as you find it.
Older children could each set a hunt at the same time then swap papers and have a race to finish.
You could make things more complicated by adding categories e.g "Find 5 blue objects" or "Find 5 items starting with the letter B"
Check out some other games ideas
here .
237912 - 2023-07-18 02:11:02
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