Air Powered Rocket Launcher
This easy to make rocket launcher will give kids hours of fun as they blow through the straw to launch their rockets.
Make two for fun rocket challenges. You can see which rocket will travel the furthest distance and which rocket will get the most air.
This is also a great activity for kids who need to practice blowing as part of speech therapy exercises, because they do it without knowing they're practicing!
Time: 10 minutes preparation time, hours of play time
Age: Under 5's, 5-10's
Level: Easy
Textas for decorating
A straw
Stack two pieces of paper one on top of the other. Next draw your rocket onto the top sheet.
Decorate the rocket.
Cut around the rocket.
Glue the insides of the rocket together, leaving the bottom unglued.
Once glue is dry, insert straw into the bottom.
Your rocket is ready to launch! Make a couple in fun designs and have rocket races.
238676 - 2023-07-18 04:09:50
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