ArtistInspired Painting Project
Want to make your own photo frames? Here is a great activity for the kids (and grown-ups) to do them. Not only is it super easy, but you only need some paper and a few minutes
Time: 5 minutes (per frame)
Age: Any Age
Level: Easy
Origami paper or any other coloured paper (I used a 25cm x 25cm paper for this demo)
A ruler
Photos or artwork
First, put your photo roughly in the middle of the paper. Make sure to measure equal width horizontally. It does not really matter lengthwise.
Fold both sides on the photo horizontally and then vertically. Then remove the photo. This will leave you with several creases.
Fold on the vertical crease twice on both sides and then fold horizontally. Flip over and apply pressure using the ruler to make sure the paper is crisp.
Insert your photo. The back flaps act as a stand for the frame.
Decorate the sides with stickers or leave as is.
#Photo frame
#Any age
#Paper craft
238524 - 2023-07-18 04:03:07
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