Bunny and Mouse Egg Decorations
Here's how to make a lovely Easter animal by decorating an egg. You can choose a bunny or a mouse.
Time: 20 mins
Age: Under 5s, 5-10s
Level: Easy
Card and pens (sharpies work well.)
String for the mouse's tail and cotton wool for the bunny's tail
Cardboard tube
Boil your eggs for 10 mins and let them cool.
Cut ears out of card leaving a flap to stick onto the egg. Give the ears a pink middle with pens.
Draw a face on the egg with a black pen.
Stick on a piece of string for the mouse's tail or cotton wool for the bunny's tail.
To make a stand cut a thick slice out of the cardboard tube and balance the egg on the stand.
Card ears for the bunny decoration
Cotton wool for bunny tail
239296 - 2023-07-18 04:31:41
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