Cheddarmite Snails
These cute snails are a hands-on messy baking activity. They are fun to make and yummy to eat. They make a great sugar-free savory snack and can be made with either Vegemite or Marmite.
Time: 15 minutes plus 15 minutes cooking time
Age: Any age
Level: Medium
3 cups self raising flour
1.5 cups milk
50g butter at room temperature
3 tbs Vegemite or Marmite
1 cup grated cheese
Pinch salt
Ingredients ready to go
Wash hands first!
Measure the flour into a big bowl
Chop the butter into little pieces and add to the flour
Let little hands get stuck in and rub the butter into the flour
Rubbing the butter into the flour
Add milk and mix with hands until you get a soft dough
Get stuck in
Make a large ball and a small ball
Flour the work surface then roll the large ball into a thin rectangle
Spoon small dollops of Vegemite or Marmite over the rectangle and spread out
Add the grated cheese
Roll the rectangle lengthways into a spiral roll (like a Swiss roll)
Rolling into a long spiral roll
Slice the roll into sections a few centimetres thick. We made nine pieces
Turn each slice on its side to get a spiral snail shell
Now divide the smaller ball of dough into pieces and roll each one into a sausage shape. This is your snail body
Stick the body to the shell by brushing water on the join and press together.
Ready to bake
Add a raisin for an eye
Place your snails carefully on a greased baking tray. Bake for 15 minutes at 200 degrees or until golden.
Whilst the snails are baking, fill a sink with lots of bubbles and warm water and let the little ones do the washing up.
Fun bubbles while the snails are baking
Yummy hot out of the oven
237974 - 2023-07-18 02:14:59