Cookie Cutter Bird Treats
Birds are always looking for something easy to eat! Attract feathery friends to your yard with these easy cookie cutter bird treats. They are fun and easy to make and would make great Christmas gifts for neighbours and family!
Time: 15 minutes (allow drying time overnight)
Age: Any Age
Level: Easy
Wild bird seed
Unflavoured Gelatin
Cookie cutters
Parchment paper/wax paper
Cookie Sheet
Yarn or string
In a medium size sauce pan, mix 2 packages of unlfavoured gelatin with 2/3 cup water. Heat the water and gelatin until dissolved and gently boiling. Remove from heat and stir in 2 cups of bird seed.
Allow the seed mixture to cool while you set up the cookie cutters on a cookie sheet with parchment paper covering the sheet. Deep cookie cutters will work best.
Our cutters had a bit of a Christmas theme but heart shapes would also look really good
Spoon the seed mixture into the cookie cutters and press firmly using spoon and fingers. The more compacted the mixture is, the better it holds together.
Push straw pieces into the tops of the molds. These will need to stay in place until the mixture is dry.
Allow to dry completely. We left ours overnight.
Remove the straws and gently push shapes out of the cookie cutter molds.
Cut the string or yarn and thread it through the holes. We found a toothpick helped to poke the yarn through the holes.
The star shape looks really good but all of the shapes held their form well.
Hang outside on your trees for the birds to enjoy!
238883 - 2023-07-18 04:17:05