Cotton Blob Aliens
This is a simple way to decorate the house for Halloween. Involve the kids by making this Halloween bunting which is super easy and fun to make. This can be attached on the door, on the wall or in any room.
Time: 15 minutes
Age: Any Age
Level: Easy
Black paper or cardboard
Newspaper cuttings
Cotton string
Black marker
Gluestick & tape
Cut your newspapers in 4 rectangles (roughly 12 x 10cm) and then again into the shape below.
Write down each of the letters (B O O) and exclamation mark (!) on the paper cuttings.
Glue on the black paper, leaving a gap around the edges and cut.
Turn over and tape the string to the back.
Your halloween bunting is ready.
Feel free to write any other spooky messages using the same technique.
238838 - 2023-07-18 04:15:00
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