Crepe Paper Bird

Crepe Paper Bird

Posted 2013-03-06 by Crafty Kidsfollow
I came up with this picture when I wanted to make juggling balls. I couldn't find balloons anywhere, but I did have crepe paper streamers and feathers. It turned out to be a really fun activity, and it's really involved.

I'm not very good at drawing, but it didn't matter with this picture, it still looked great in the end!

Time: 1 hour or more
Age: 5-10s
Level: Medium

  • Coloured Crepe Paper or Streamers
  • Feathers
  • Scissors
  • A4 White Paper
  • Blue Card
  • Glitter
  • Craft Glue & Clag Glue

  • Method
  • Start by drawing a small circle, and then a larger circle. This is your bird's head and body.

  • Add a beak and some feathers. This was the hardest part for me, because I'm not very good at drawing, but it didn't seem to matter once I started sticking on the feathers and streamers.

  • Cut out the bird.

  • Scrunch up small bits of green crepe paper. Draw the outline of a tree on the paper (don't worry about the trunk or branches)

  • Glue the scrunched up up pieces of paper inside your tree outline.

  • Add some crepe paper for the trunk, and then some more for a branch.

  • Put glue on the back of your bird, and then stick it onto the branch.

  • Stick feathers to the back of your bird (and maybe even one to it's head if you like). Make sure you leave room on it's chest to colour with crepe paper.

  • Scrunch up coloured bits of crepe paper, and glue them to the body of the bird. Use two colours for the body, and another for the head. They should be much smaller than the ones used for the tree. About the size of a pea.

  • Glue a googly eye to the bird, and then put the small crepe paper scrunches around the head too.

  • Draw the outlines of clouds, and then scrunch up large pieces of white crepe paper.

  • Using clag glue, brush glue around the sky of the picture, then sprinkle with glitter. I think this just looks pretty and makes the sky sparkle.

  • Don't forget to colour in your bird's beak. It's a little small to use crepe paper, so just try yellow or orange marker.

  • Now your picture is finished, and you can display it wherever you like. I'm going to put mine up in my room.

  • Share your crepe paper pictures in the comments! Of course you don't have to make a word. You can use the crepe paper method to create any kind of picture.


    237779 - 2023-07-18 02:03:13


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