Cupcake Liner Flower Garden
Cupcake liners come in so many different colours and shapes! Take advantage of the variety to create unique flowers. Add insects to your garden by creating
pansy petal butterflies and use the fingerprint painting method in
little fingerprint chicks to create bumblebees.
Time: 20 minutes
Age: Under 5's, 5-10's
Level: Easy
Variety of cupcake liners
Felt pens
Green paper and/or green craft foam
Background paper
Embellishments for flowers (paper, felt, sequins ect.)
Prepare a background for your garden. We painted a large sheet mostly blue, cut up green construction paper then pasted it on for grass.
Decorate plain white cupcake liners. We used markers and paint.
Cut out green leaves and assemble the flowers on your background. Use colourful liners to add more petals.
Add embellishments to your flowers.
If you wish to bring insects into your garden, create pansy petal butterflies and have some more fun with paint by making fingerprint bumblebees.
We used the yellow and black paint to fingerprint the body and wings. When they were dry, we drew on the black lines and antennae.
As we were adding the insects and bees to our garden, my preschooler and I talked about how bees and butterflies are important for many flowers because they help make new seeds for more flowers to grow. For older children, introduce the term pollination.
238014 - 2023-07-18 02:17:54