Decorative Tree
We designed this tree for Valentines Day, but it could easily be created for any holiday or occasion
This activity is a fun and exciting way for your child to feel proud about creating a beautiful decoration for any holiday or special occasion. Younger children will need help with some of the steps, but can independently handle much of the project.
Time: 20 to 30 minutes
Age: Any Age
Level: Easy
Construction Paper
One branch
Rocks or marbles
One glass vase or jar
Pipe cleaners
Markers, crayons and / or stickers for decorating
Gather a branch and some pebbles or rocks from outside (you could also replace the pebbles with colourful marbles)
Add the rocks to the glass vase and then carefully insert the branch so that it is upright
Cut out hearts or any other shapes from the construction paper
Decorate the shapes with stickers, markers or crayons
Poke a hole through the construction paper and thread the pipe cleaner through. Twist the ends of the pipe cleaners so that it creates a closed loop and then hang from the tree branches.
237696 - 2023-07-18 01:58:00
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