Dingly Dangly Octopus
This dingly dangly octopus is a fun craft activity that little ones can join in with, plus once you're done they've got a new toy to play with. There are a few parts that require an adult, but some steps they'll be able to do themselves.
Time: 10 Minutes
Age: Under 5s
Level: Easy
Plastic Cup
Coloured Streamers
Sticky Tape
Permanent Market
An adult helper will have to pierce a hole in the top of the cup using scissors or a sharp knife.
Cut a length of string, and then thread the two ends through the hole in the cup, creating a loop. Tie these two ends in a knot, and then fasten with a bit of sticky tape on either side.
Draw a face on your octopus. Whether you draw the face yourself, or have the kids draw it, this can be a good time to learn more about the eyes, nose, and mouth.
Cut 8 strips of colourful streamer.
Fasten the streamers to inside the lip of the cup with some sticky tape. Kids will be able to do this part, don't worry too much if they're not completely even.
Now your dingly dangly octopus is ready to go. You can hang him up somewhere for decoration, or use him as a toy.
237716 - 2023-07-18 01:59:08