DIY Animal Plastic Pencil Holders
Here is a creative way of recycling some plastic containers and turning them into some animal pencil holders. This is a great way to organise pen and other stationery. It will also personalise the kid's desk from the ordinary pen holders.
Time: 15 minutes Additional drying time (preferrably overnight)
Age: Over 10's
Level: Medium
Plastic containers (eg: yogurt, cream)
White paint
Paint brushes
Colourful markers
Sharp scissors
Paint your plastic containers in white. This might requires 2 to 3 coats. Let paint dry completely between each coat. Let dry overnight if required.
Draw your animal features with pencil and then line with colourful markers. From left to right, we have hello kitty, a cat, a bunny and an owl. Feel free to create more or other of your favourite animals.
Carefully cut around the ears and all the way round.
Embellish if desired, and your pen holders are ready.
239185 - 2023-07-18 04:27:36
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