Dolls Holiday Play Scene
Every busy doll needs a weekend escape! This project is a fun and easy way to create a stylish holiday play scene. Young children will need help to make this but will enjoy picking out the scenes and creative play with the final result.
Bella enjoying her mini break
Time: 15 minutes
Age: Under 5's, 5 to 10's
Level: Medium
Plain box with lid
Some magazines
Laminator and laminating sheets
Doll and some doll's furniture (e.g chairs or a bed)
Materials needed
Choose some landscape pictures from magazines
Choose your scenes
Cut out the picture so that is a few millimetres smaller in each direction than the lid of your box
Make sure your picture is a little smaller than your box lid
Laminate your pictures. You can laminate more than one on a sheet provided that you have a bit of space between each picture
Cut out each picture to fit the lid of your box snuggly, ensuring that there are a few millimetres of laminated plastic around each picture (otherwise they will delaminate)
Leave a little laminated margin around each picture
Hold your box lid upright and fit the base of your box into the lid so that you have a 'wall' and a 'floor' for your holiday scene. You could use some tape to hold it securely if it doesn't stand well on its own.
Fit the base into the upright lid
Now fit your scene onto the back 'wall'. If your picture is a snug fit, you shouldn't need any extra fixings, but you could use some double-sided tape to hold it in place if you have cut your scene too small.
Now add furniture and your dolls
Ladies who lunch
A night at the ballet
Mini break in Marrakesh
Ready to hit the slopes
City break
Please share a picture of your creation in in the comments section.
#under_5 's
#5_to_10 's
237688 - 2023-07-18 01:57:31