Easter Matching Pairs
Matching Pairs is a great game to play for young and old and a homemade version is even better! It improves memory and visual recognition skills and can also be a good introduction to simple game strategy. For this version, you can use a variety of sacred and secular Easter motifs or stick with events from the Easter Story for a fun teaching resource.
Time: 1 hour
Age: Any Age
Level: Easy
A selection of Easter pictures and motifs
Plain card
Printer paper or labels
Easter wrapping paper (optional)
Choose a selection of Easter pictures and motifs. There are a variety of ways to do this - my son and I enjoyed googling images and choosing a handful of favourites. Or you could use stickers or cut designs out of wrapping paper. Older children might like to draw their own pictures.
Make sure you have 2 identical copies of each picture!
If using digital images, print onto paper and cut out, or print onto sticky labels. Make sure they will all fit onto the same size card.
Using a pencil and ruler, draw a grid on your plain card ready to cut it up into the individual pieces.
Optional step. You might like to cover the back of the card with a piece of Easter wrapping paper. To do this, cover the back of your plain card with glue and stick on the wrong side of the wrapping paper. Cut out round the card.
Cut along the grid lines drawn on the card to make the individual card pieces.
Stick your Easter pictures onto the cards.
Shuffle them up and play!
If you would like to use this game as a way to teach children about Easter, this
free resource would work well for the motifs used in this activity. It has pictures with captions explaining the main events in the story and they could be used to talk about the meaning of Easter once all the pairs have been found.
239039 - 2023-07-18 04:21:39