Easy Card Crown
Cheese sticks are a very popular lunchbox item.With only three ingredients it's not even that messy of a job to involve your kids in the making these tasty cheese sticks.
Time: 1 hour
Age: Above 5
Level: Easy
Puff Pastry
Parmesan cheese
Melted Butter
Knife to cut (if involving kids it's best to use a kid friendly knife)
Thaw the puff pastry and separate the sheets.
Spread some melted butter over one sheet with a brush.
Sprinkle the parmesan cheese all over the sheet.
Cut the sheet into half then sticks.
Bake in pre-heated oven for 20 mins at 160 degrees celsius.
Repeat the same process with the rest of the sheets.
Store in airtight containers.
#Fun food
#Fine motor skills
238959 - 2023-07-18 04:19:05
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