Easy Jellyfish
An easy activity for young children to do, very simple to prepare, leaving a child's imagination to do the majority of the craft.
Paper Plate Jellyfish
Time: 15-30 minutes
Age: Under 5's and 5-10's
Level: Easy
Paper plate
Sticky tape
Plastic bags or ribbon
Decorations (stickers, glitter, crayons or colour pens)
String (for hanging Jellyfish somewhere)
Cut a paper plate in half.
Prepare 'tentacles' which can be strips cut from plastic bags or ribbon.
Let children decorate their half plate jellyfish with a face (you can help with this if needed) stickers, glitter, colour etc
Let children stick plastic strips or ribbon onto the back of the straight edge of their half plate with sticky tape, which then becomes the jellyfish tentacles
Help children attach a piece of string to the top of their completed jellyfish, either by adding a hole with a hole-punch at the top and tie, or use sticky tape to attach.
Paper Plate Jellyfish on the left has plastic bag strip tentacles, and Jellyfish on the right has paper ribbon tentacles
238058 - 2023-07-18 02:20:58