Easy Paper Chains
These easy paper chains are fun to make and perfect for brightening up a room for a party.
Time: 20 minutes
Age: Under 5's, 5-10's
Level: Easy
Coloured paper
Sticky tape (or glue)
Cheap starting materials
Cut the coloured paper into strips. The exact size doesn't matter too much but ours were about 15cm long by 2cm wide
Dont worry too much about cutting to an exact size
Curl the strip into a loop and fix with sticky tape or glue.
Feed another strip through the first loop and curl the strip into a new loop fixing closed with sticky tape or glue.
You should now have two loops joined together
Repeat this process, adding extra loops onto the end of the chain each time until you have your desired length of paper chain.
Keep adding loops on to the end of your chain
Your paper chain is now ready to hang. Have a great party!
A low cost way to brighten up a room or outdoor space for a party
237800 - 2023-07-18 02:04:49
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