Familiar Roads Car Mat
Help your child understand maps by designing a car mat based on familiar streets and places they visit frequently.
Time: 30 minutes
Age: Any age
Level: Medium
Large sheet of card, or a flattened out cardboard box
Masking tape
Choose roads you use frequently as a family, then design a map of these roads onto the cardboard using masking tape. For example, you may like to map out the route from your house to Grandma's house.
Write the names of the roads using pens.
Personalise buildings and spaces with pens.
Add cars and practise driving the routes across the car mat.
Should any bugs or pets choose to walk along your car mat, watch them carefully and see where they are going. We had an ant go to the police station on our map, which brought about a lot of imaginative story telling.
237996 - 2023-07-18 02:16:43
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