Finger Knitting
Finger knitting only needs some yarn and a pair of hands so it's a great activity for a long journey or to pass time in a waiting room. It's much easier than regular knitting so it's ideal for children. You can finger knit a wide range of yarn - try wool, string, ribbon or even long strips of material. You can produce a piece of knitting long enough to make a belt or hairband in very little time which makes it a very satisfying activity. Very young kids might enjoy helping a grown-up to knit on their little fingers to make a scarf together for a doll or teddy.
Age: Any Age
Level: Medium
Yarn e.g wool, string, ribbon etc. Thicker strands work best.
Hold your left hand out, palm facing upwards.
Lay the wool between your thumb and index finger
Weave over and under your fingers to the right until the thread is under your pinkie finger
Loop over your pinkie finger and weave under and over to the left until back up between thumb and index finger
Weave over and under again towards the pinkie finger
Loop over the pinkie finger and weave to the left then the right again until you have the string between your middle and ring finger. There should now be 2 loops on each finger
Rest when you have 2 loops on each finger and the string between your middle and ring finger
Starting at the pinkie finger, lift the bottom loop over the upper loop, taking the bottom loop right off the finger, leaving just the top loop on the finger.
Lifting the lower loop over the upper loop
Repeat lifting the loops on the other fingers, moving to the left (ie pinkie, then ring finger, then middle finger, then index finger)
All lower loops cast off leaving one loop on each finger
Now repeat everything again, weaving in and out of fingers until you have 2 loops on each finger again.
A few more weaves to go until we have 2 loops on each finger and the string resting between middle and ring fingers
Rest when you have 2 loops on each finger with the thread coming forwards between middle and ring fingers. Then start lifting the lower loops off, always starting with pinkie finger working left
After a few rounds you will start to see the length of knitting grow on the reverse side of your hand.
Its great fun to see the knitting quickly grow on the reverse side of your hand
Keep going until you have made the length you want
To finish, just lift the knitting off your fingers, then pass the tail through the loops and pull tight.
Lift the knitting off your fingers to give 4 loops
Pass the tail through the loops
Pull tight
Younger children might enjoy helping a grown up to do the knitting on their little fingers to make a scarf for a favourite toy
Ready for winter
What materials have you tried finger knitting with? Please share your ideas or photos via the comments section.
We also tried plastic string
It gave a fun glossy finish, perfect for a hairband or belt
237937 - 2023-07-18 02:12:40