Foam Dinosaur Hunt
This is a simple and classy card which can be used for any occasion and fun for the children to choose their favourite colours and get creative.
Time: 20 minutes
Age: 5-10's
Level: Easy
Card and envelope any size
White glue
Scrap yarn
Cut three lengths of yarn your choice of colours (approx 16" in length).
Option: trace out 3 circles with a pencil as a guide for your flowers but we ended up finding it easier to just do it without.
Start with the first flower and glue end of yarn at centre of where you want the flower and work it around in a circular fashion pressing and gluing as you go. Cut off excess yarn if necessary. Repeat with the other two flowers.
Glue a jewel in the centre of each flower.
Colour in stems of flowers with crayon, paint or medium of your choice.
#Greeting card
#5 to 10s
238612 - 2023-07-18 04:07:01
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