Garden Explorer Bug Hunt

Garden Explorer Bug Hunt

Posted 2013-07-07 by Jane Streetfollow

Have fun creating your own explorer kit and going on a bug hunt in your garden or local park. This activity has endless variations and extensions - my children have wanted to do it every day for the last week, adding in new ideas each time. Please share your ideas in the comments section.

Age: Under 5's, 5-10's
Level: Easy

  • Calico bag
  • Fabric paint
  • Leaves
  • Explorer items - such as magnifying glass, empty jars, spade, note book and pen, binoculars, toy camera
  • Pictures of bugs you might find (or draw your own)
  • Laminating pouch and laminator

  • Method
  • Create a bug chart by finding pictures of mini beasts you might find in the garden and collating them onto a sheet of paper. You could also draw your own.
  • If you want to make the chart waterproof, try laminating using a laminating pouch and laminator.

  • We found various pictures of creatures that we might find in our garden and made a collage before laminating

  • Create an explorer pack with items such as a magnifying glass , binoculars , empty jars, spade , toy camera, notebook and pen. You can buy these cheaply in dollar shops or click on the links above for ideas on how to make your own with recycled materials.

  • Our bug explorer pack contents

  • Put your bug explorer items into a backpack or make your own. We decorated a blank calico drawstring bag by rolling fabric paint onto leaves and printing them on to the bag.

  • Nature explorer bag ready to fill

  • Put on Wellington boots and go exploring in the garden or a nearby park. Try to find all the mini beasts on your bug chart. Dig up insects and study them in your jar. Draw pictures of the bugs you find in a notebook. Don't forget to release your bugs back where you found them after you have had a good look.

  • Dontt forget to return your creatures where you found them after you have studied them

    We were happy to just look at this guy from a distance

    Notes: You can find plain calico bags to print online. We bought ours from Bag People.


    237999 - 2023-07-18 02:16:52


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