Sometimes the simplest materials can create the most wonderful toys, and here is a craft which even the very young can do but which will create a toy which has endless possibilities for further create - with storytelling and creative play topping our list of things to do with these little once they were made!
[Image1 for hours of fun]
These ghosties will be very satisfying for even young children to make, as they can do most of it themselves (except maybe turning the elastic band around) and make such a great toy.
You can even make a few of them to populate the
Recycled City as we have done for a totally home made toy and game experience.
[Image8 Our Recycled City is transformed into a haunted castle for hours of imaginative play]
Time: 2 minutes to make for hours of creative play
Age: Under 5's, 5-10's, Over 10's, Any Age
Level: Easy
2 tissues
1 Elastic band, hair elastic or similar
[Image2 Materials most will have to hand]
Roll first tissue into a ball
[Image3 Roll tissue into ball]
Place tissue ball into the center of the other tissue
[Image4 Place tissue ball into center of remaining tissue]
Wrap tissue ball in the first tissue, turning over and twisting. The tissue ball becomes the ghostie's head.
[Image5 Twist]
Secure the head with a hair elastic or rubber band.
[Image6 Secure]
Gently draw on features and you're done!
[Image7 Complete!]
They are so simple to make, you can even make a few more to have a game with.
#under_5 's
#5_to_10 's
#over_10 's
238250 - 2023-07-18 03:52:33