Going Fishing with Yarn Painting
Combine going fishing with the fun of painting!
Time: 15 minutes
Age: Under 5's. 5-10's
Level: Easy
Blue paper
White paper
A stick
Sticky tape
Red and yellow food colouring
Four rocks1
Sticky tape two blue sheets of paper together to make a large rectangle.
Cut out fish shapes from the white paper.
Sticky tape the fish shapes to the blue paper.
Lay the paper on a flat surface outside, weigh down the corners with the rocks.
Add a few drops of both red and yellow food colouring to the water.
Cut a length of yarn, and tie one end to the stick.
Have your child hold only the stick, and dip the yarn into the water. Let it soak for a few seconds the first time, to saturate the yarn.
Have your child use only the stick to aim the yarn toward the fish.
Encourage your child to "catch" as many fish as they can
239148 - 2023-07-18 04:25:19