Handprint Reindeer TShirt
Create your own Christmas T-Shirt featuring a cute reindeer with handprint antlers. We printed a cheap plain white cotton T-Shirt but you could also try printing cotton or calico shopping bags, baby onesies etc for festive gifts.
Time: 30 minutes
Age: Any age
Level: Easy
Plain cotton T-Shirt
Fabric paints
Roller (optional)
Iron to set the fabric paint (or follow manufacturer's instructions)
Baby wipes or damp cloth to wipe paint off hands quickly.
Put a piece of thick paper or scrap cardboard inside the T-Shirt. This stops any paint soaking through to the back.
Ready to go
We mixed red, green and yellow fabric paint on a flat container to make brown paint.
Brown paint mixed
Use a roller to cover one hand with brown fabric paint. (You could also use a brush or just press the hand directly into the paint).
A roller helps to give an even coverage
Press the hand carefully down on to the T-Shirt, with the thumb pointing towards the centre of the T-Shirt. This is one antler.
One antler printed
Wipe the hand clean then repeat with the other hand to give a second handprint antler, thumb pointing in to the centre of the T-Shirt.
Cut a potato in half to give a circle shape stamp.
Potato stamp to make a nose
Dip the half potato in red fabric paint and press on to make a red Rudolph nose.
Add black eyes by dipping a finger into black fabric paint and making two fingerprints above the nose.
Leave to dry then cover with a tea towel and iron for several minutes to set the fabric paint. (Or follow any different instructions provided by the fabric paint manufacturer).
238286 - 2023-07-18 03:53:56