Home Made Little People Bowling
The first bit of fun with this game, is making the people
This is a great game for a rainy day indoors and one where the fun begins from actually making the game itself. A great activity for young kids, where you can have them learning about face parts and also about numbers as they add up their points for how many people they've knocked down. Good for all ages but toddlers and pre-schoolers will enjoy the craft element more than older kids.
What You'll Need
Gather Your Supplies
Between 5-10 toilet rolls
Pipe Cleaners (various colours)
Face Stickers (eyes, noses, mouths)
Any other decorating bits you want to use (e.g. Card to make hats)
One ball
How to Make
These little people are fun and easy to make, with your only creative limit being your imagination. You can even make a bit of a game when constructing the bowling people by getting your little one to point out and recognize the different facial parts. My toddler enjoyed telling me which stickers were eyes and what colours they were; so a great learning game for little ones.
Start with a plain toilet roll and add stickers for the face. If you cannot find stickers you could easily draw the parts yourself. I imagine the moving 'goggly' eyes available in craft shops would be great here.
Once you're happy with the face then it's time to make some funky hair. Follow the photo, and twirl a pipe cleaner around your finger and then gently pull off. You can repeat this until you have enough hair for your bowling person. Fix with either glue or Sellotape. Dependent on what supplies you have, you can make hats and crowns out of cardboard and add this to your little person too.
How to Play
Once assembled line up your people in a row or a triangle and take turns to see how many you can knock down in one go. If you've got young toddlers playing this game, you can get them counting and subtracting here to work out how many they have knocked down and how many are still standing.
A simple score sheet of one point per person knocked down is all that is needed to keep a tally.
May the best man win.
238154 - 2023-07-18 03:47:37