Ice Cream On The Spot
On a sizzling hot day when you really want to eat ice-cream but there none in the freezer and the shops are closed what do you do? Make your own! This is a really fun project to try out with kids on a hot day.
Time: 10 minutes
Age: Any Age
Level: Easy
1/2 cup sweetened full cream milk
1 tsp vanilla extract or any flavouring you want.
1/3 cup salt
1 cup ice cubes
2 zip lock bags (possibly one big and one small)
Gloves optional
Music (to shake)
Mix the milk and vanilla extract in the zip lock bag.
Mix the ice cubes and salt in the other zip lock bag
Place the closed zip lock bag with the milk in the zip lock bag with the ice cubes.
Seal tightly.
Now all you need to do is shake! Shake it up and down and side and in any direction you want till the milk in the bag thickens. This might take upto 10 mins.
Top with your favourite toppings and enjoy.
239012 - 2023-07-18 04:20:30
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