Japanese Fan
Japanese inspired fan
What could be better on a hot summer's day than a beautiful fan to gently keep you cool. This Japanese inspired fan would also make a lovely accessory to a fancy dress party or as a gift on Mother's Day.
Time: 25 minutes
Age: Over 10's
Level: Medium
4 coffee mixer sticks
Craft knife
Tissue paper
Cut an oval from a piece of card.
Draw a semi circle with four segments (highlighted in black in the picture). The lengths between the segments should be the width of the coffee mixer sticks.
Cut out the segments with a craft knife (check with an adult first that you are allowed to use a craft knife as they are very sharp).
Glue three coffee mixer sticks onto the oval card.
Glue the fourth stick down to make a handle.
Cut two pieces of tissue paper larger than the oval.
Glue around the edges of the oval and along the coffee mixer sticks (not the one which is a handle) and then place one piece of tissue paper on.
Repeat on the other side of the oval.
Trim the excess tissue paper with scissors.
Keep an eye out for patterned tissue paper or you could try Japanese rice paper as pretty alternative.
237906 - 2023-07-18 02:10:39
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