Lung and Diaphgram Scientific Model
Learn how your body works with this simple science activity for kids using a few handy materials. Breathing is something we do everyday and it is very important to teach our kids how much effort our body has to put in this simple exercise.This model will help explain the breathing technique perfectly.
Time: 10 minutes
Age: 5 and above
Level: Easy
Empty plastic bottle
2 balloons
Duct tape
Rubber band
Cut the base of the bottle
Cut one balloon in half and wrap it around the base.
Stick it on with duct tape.
Tie the other balloon on the straw with the rubber band.
Insert the straw balloon in the bottle.
Cover the mouth of the bottle with the clay to keep the air in.
Now to see how the model works pull the bottom balloon which is you diaphgram with your finger tips and see how the the balloon on the straw which are your lungs blows up.
239206 - 2023-07-18 04:28:51
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