Mini Cork Boat
Collect all your corks and turn them into this super fun mini boat that is GUARANTEED to float. Young children will spend hours playing with this creation in the bath or at an outdoor water play table, while older children will get a buzz out of the design process. At the end, maybe you could float it down the local creek.
Mini cork boat in the sink
Time: 30 minutes
Age: Any Age
Level: Easy
4 corks
waterproof glue
1 stick
1 sheet of colored paper
Recycled corks
Line the corks into a boat design of your choosing, then glue them together neatly.
Glue the corks together
Find a stick to be the mast, then cut the colored paper into a triangle shape for the sail. You could also create a totally different and unusual shape for the sail.
Staple the sail onto the mast, then glue the mast firmly into the boat base. Make sure the sail is well out of the water, or else it will get soggy.
Ready to set sail
Now your mini cork boat is ready for its "maiden voyage." Good luck and happy sailing adventures.
238848 - 2023-07-18 04:15:30
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