Mini Felt Stocking
This simple stocking is just the right size for a few chocolates or candy canes and uses a simple blanket stitch around the edges, which most kids should be able to master if you get them going. If you want to decorate your stocking, one method I recommend is using glitter glue.
Time: 45 minutes
Age: 5-10's, Over 10's,
Level: Medium
Cut out a stocking-shaped piece of paper (you can print one out if you don't feel confident doing it yourself). Mine was about 13 centmetres tall and 11 centimetres wide.
Using the papers existing borders makes cutting out your stocing easier
Pin the paper to the felt and either trace around it with a pencil or cut just cut around it while it's still attached.
Repeat the process to create a second felt stocking piece.
Tie a knot in one end of the string and thread it through the corner of one of the felt stockings shapes.
Attach the second felt piece by placing it over the first so that the knot is on the inside, then thread the string around the outside of the two pieces and pierce them both from the other side so that the needle and thread come out through the original hole.
Thread the string through the loop you just created (from left to right, in the direction you want to go), then continue your stitch by piercing both pieces from the other side about 0.5 centimetres from the first stitch.
Continue stitching all around the edge, threading the string through the previous stitch each time, as you make the next one.
To attach a handle, about an inch from the end, thread a loop of string (already tied) through one of your stitches inside the stocking.
238254 - 2023-07-18 03:52:40