Mondrian Math

Mondrian Math

Posted 2018-06-11 by jennifollow
Box pinatas are a quick and easy alternative to papier mache pinatas. And decorating them with a fringe is literally childs play!

We had a lot of messy fun making a papier mache pinata for my daughter's frozen theme birthday party last year, but they take a long time to make as you have to let each layer dry for a day.

When she asked for a pinata for a DC Superhero Girls themed party, I started thinking about how I could make one that was quick and easy and that she could get involved with. I came up with this Supergirl pinata (but it could also be a Superman pinata) and was very happy with the simplicity of the project and the result.

My almost 4 year old was able to do all the decorating by herself while I did the more advanced box making and anything involving scissors.

You could adjust this activity to make one for your favorite superhero just by changing the colours and the logo.

Time: 2 hours (plus drying time)
Age: Any Age (with help for the younger ones)
Level: Medium

  • Cereal Box slightly larger than an A4 sheet of paper
  • Black marker pen
  • Masking tape (glue sticks well to this tape)
  • Cable tie
  • Scissors
  • Blue tissue Paper
  • Kids washable PVA glue
  • Printer and A4 white paper (superhero logo)
  • Crayons, pencils, or paint to colour the superhero logo (yellow and red)

  • Method
  • Print two superhero logos on two A4 sheets of paper. You may need to play around with the printing settings to get the logo to take up most of the page. You can find superhero logo templates by searching the internet. I used this superman logo if you want to make a Superman or Supergirl pinata.
  • Cut the logos out and colour them in.
  • Place a logo in the center of the cereal box. You are aiming to use some of the sides of the cereal box as the sides for your pinata. For my pinata, I will be using the original box sides for the top and bottom of the pinata.
  • Using a marker pen, draw where you will need to make new sides for the pinata.

  • Cut slits along the edges of the cereal box up to the sides of the cereal box you will be keeping. Fold the cardboard along the marker lines and form new sides. You can trim the excess cardboard if it makes it easier. Tape your new box sides in place with masking tape.
  • While constructing the box, reinforce the top of the box with excess cardboard and tape to help prevent the pinata from ripping off when it is hung up.

  • Cut strips of tissue paper approximately 3cms in height. Cut slits in the tissue paper strips approximately 1.5cm in height. Your strips need to be wide enough to cover the sides of the box and wrap around to cover the box where the logo won't cover. For me, the width of the folded tissue paper was ideal so I just cut it along the existing folds.

  • Separate the sheets of the fringed tissue paper. Cover one of the sides of the box with washable PVA glue. Starting from the bottom, glue a piece of tissue paper fringe onto the box. Only glue the solid half of the sheet to the cardboard.

  • Glue the solid section of another sheet of fringe immediately above the previous sheet. Continue in this way until you have fully covered the side of the box.

  • Repeat for all sides of the box. Try to avoid sitting the box on a side that is not yet dry or the fringe will get glued to the box.

  • Glue the logos to the front and back of the pinata.

  • Cut a flap in the top of the pinata to fill your pinata.

  • Poke two holes (adult help required here) through the reinforced section at the top of the pinata and thread a cable tie through and tie it together for hanging. Use the flap you just cut to help you do this.

  • Categories
    #Around The World
    #Paper Mache
    #Birthday Party
    #Tissue paper

    239308 - 2023-07-18 04:32:20


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