Mothers Day Heart Coaster

Mothers Day Heart Coaster

Posted 2013-04-15 by Jane Streetfollow

This heart shaped coaster is just the thing to brighten up a tray for breakfast in bed on Mother's Day (or Valentines Day). It's cast from plaster of paris but is surprisingly easy to make. A big bag of plaster costs just a few dollars in discount craft shops and the mold is made from cardboard so this is a cheap activity.

Time: 20 minutes plus 1 day drying time.
Age: 5-10's, Over 10's
Level: Medium

  • 1/2 cup plaster of Paris
  • 1/4 cup water
  • Tempera (poster) powder paint
  • Glitter
  • Empty cereal box
  • Stapler
  • Aluminium foil
  • Disposable plastic cup or tub to mix the plaster

  • Method
  • Cut two long strips from your cereal box

  • Put the two strips together, printed sides facing outwards and staple at one end

  • Bend the cardboard strips back, printed sides facing inwards and bring to a point, making a heart shape. Staple at the point end

  • Check that your coffee cup will fit inside your heart

  • Place the heart on a sheet of aluminium foil and scrunch the sides up around the side of the cardboard. The cardboard mold is now ready to fill.

  • Add several tablespoons of powder paint to your cup of dry plaster powder and mix through.

  • Mix up your plaster according to the manufacturers instructions. We added half a cup of plaster powder to a quarter of a cup of water. As you shouldn't pour plaster down the sink, it's a good idea to make it up in a disposable container - eg an old plastic cup or tub which you can just throw away afterwards. Add the plaster to the water and stir well until you get a pancake batter-like mix with no lumps.
  • Pour the plaster into your heart mold until it is about half a centimetre thick

  • Sprinkle glitter on top

  • Leave to set for at least 24 hours, preferably longer
  • When dry, remove the cardboard mold.

  • Your heart coaster is now ready for the breakfast tray. Happy Mother's Day!

    If you have left over plaster mix you could also make some heart charms . Instead of colouring the mix, you could also paint your heart with acrylic paint. You could also make a bigger sized heart which could be used as a trivet or a teapot stand.

    #mother 's_Day

    237873 - 2023-07-18 02:08:32


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