Mr Froggy Pot
This simple, but fun looking little character is very quick and easy to make. You can fill your Mr. Frog Pot with little trinkets, or just use it decoratively.
Time: 10 minutes
Age: Under 5's, 5-10's,
Level: Easy
Disposable paper coffee cup or ice cream tub
3 long treasury tags
Blu Tack
2 beads
Green paint
Paint brush
Sticky tape
Using the end of a treasury tag, poke two holes through the bottom of the cup (one on each side) and thread a treasury tag through each one to make legs.
Using the end of a treasury tag, poke two holes through the top of the cup (one on each side), and thread the last treasury tag through both holes to make arms.
Role up two balls to Blu Tack and stick them onto either end of the plastic lid; then push beads into the middle of each ball.
Use a strip of sticky tape to stick the lid to one side of the cup, and lift the lid up slightly to form an open mouth.
Depending on how decorative your cup looks, you may or may not want to paint it.
238090 - 2023-07-18 02:22:55
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