Naughty or Nice Game
This is a fun Christmassy game to be enjoyed by the whole family. Fill the cups with random trinkets and piece of paper saying Nice or Naughty and reasons why. For nice you can include lovely trinkets, golden chocolate coins, sweets and for naughty leave empty or put smaller items like chocolate balls. To find out if members of the family have been nice or naughty during the year, each family member, in turn, simply pokes and reveals the verdict by reading out loud the piece of paper.This will be a deciding factor for Santa.
Time: 30 minutes
Age: Any Age
Level: Easy
Sturdy cardboard
Wrapping paper
Black marker
Plastic cups (red and white)
Hot glue gun
Tissue paper (red and green)
Elastic bands
Trinkets, sweets, candy, golden chocolate coins (optional)
Wrap cardboard with wrapping paper and write down 'Are you Naughty or are you Nice' in black marker. Alternately print out words.
Start placing cups and then hot glue each to hold in place. Leave a gap in between each. You can put as many cups as you need depending on the size of the cardboard and number of family members/ friends.
Write down nice and naughty on pieces of paper and reasons why. You can be as creative and imaginative as you wish. I went with 2/3 nice and 1/3 naughty.
Start folding paper inside the cups randomly and put in trinkets depending on nice or naughty.
Cut tissue paper in squares and start placing on cups and secure with elastic bands.
Once you're done, you're ready to start playing and find out who was naughty or nice.
239300 - 2023-07-18 04:31:54
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