Paper Mache Easter Eggs
This is a great activity just in time for Easter
Perfect for Easter Lunch
Time: Several days (due to drying process)
Age: Over 3's
Level: Medium
Newspaper (torn into strips)
White paint
Stanley knife/scissors (adult use only)
Paint colours of your choice for decorating
Paint brush
Easter Eggs
Materials you will need
First blow up the number of balloons you wish to make to the desired size you want.
Blow up balloons
Place glue onto balloons and paste newspaper all over the balloon.
Glueing newspaper strips on balloons
Cover the entire balloon with three to four layers of newspaper, you want it to be quite firm when it dries.
Making sure it is completely covered
Leave to completely dry.
Waiting time
When the newspaper has dried, apply a layer of white paint for an undercoat. This will brighten up the final colour you want without seeing the newspaper.
Applying undercoat
Leave to completely dry.
More waiting time
Paint the eggs in your chosen colours. (You can be very creative here and mix colours to make new colours. If you want to use glitter to decorate, sprinkle it on while the paint is still wet).
Be creative
You can add poker dots, glitter, anything really. It's all up to your imagination.
Decorate however you like
Nearly finished
Once the eggs are completely dry draw a cracking shape around the egg.
Cutting along the black lines
Using a stanley knife (adults) make the first cut along the line. You will hear the balloon burst inside. If you are happy to continue using the stanley knife that's o.k. I personally prefer to use the scissors at this point to continue cutting.
Ready to create
When you have finished cutting all of your eggs, it is totally up to you as to how you want to finish your product. If you are using it as a table decoration as I have, fill each egg with Easter eggs, surround them with cotton balls and place it on the table. If however, you would like to give it as a gift you can fill the inside with eggs, place the top half back on, wrap a ribbon around it and it will make the perfect Easter gift. This activity does take a few days to put together, however it is a lot of fun and the end result is definitely worth the effort.
Worth the effort
238480 - 2023-07-18 04:00:31