Papier Mache Witchs Cauldron

Papier Mache Witchs Cauldron

Posted 2013-10-26 by Jane Streetfollow

Every witch needs her own cauldron. Here's how to make your own paper mache little witch's cauldron for Halloween.

Time: 45 minutes plus drying time
Age: Any age
Level: Hard

  • Newspaper
  • Paste (we used white PVA glue and water)
  • Balloon
  • Raffia
  • Black paint and brush
  • Skewer

  • We plaited black raffia for the handle. It makes a sturdy handle which keeps a good shape. However you could also plait strips of black plastic rubbish bag, staple on a cardboard handle or just use string.

    We used diluted white PVA glue (mix of half glue, half water) for the paste. Check out Ultimate Paper Mache website for a flour and water paste recipe. You could also use wallpaper paste.

    Ready to go

  • Blow up a balloon. This will make a cauldron the same size and shape as the balloon.
  • Tear up newspaper into small pieces.
  • Dip the newspaper pieces into the paste and cover the bottom half of the balloon to make a deep bowl shape.
  • Keep adding more layers (at least three layers).

  • Allow to dry for a few hours then pop the balloon to leave a deep paper bowl.

  • Balloon removed

  • Add some more newspaper and paste layers over the rim of the cauldron to give a neat edge which is also sturdy.

  • Extra layers over the edge of the bowl

    Ready to paint

  • Add any more layers to areas of the cauldron that feel thin.
  • Allow to dry then cover inside and out with black acrylic paint.

  • When dry, carefully poke a hole in each side of the cauldron (about an inch down from the top edge) using a skewer.

  • Poke a hole carefully with a skewer

  • Cut six strands of black raffia about 50cm long each. Make three sets of double strands and then plait into a single rope.

  • We used raffia but you could also plait strips of black plastic garbage bag or just use string

  • Twist the ends of the rope well and push into the two holes in the cauldron from the outside inwards to make a handle. Tie a knot at each end inside the cauldron.

  • Tie knot on inside of cauldron

  • Varnish your cauldron if you want it to have a shiny finish.

  • Your paper mache cauldron is now ready to use. Happy spell making or trick-or-treating!


    238190 - 2023-07-18 03:49:28


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