Papier Mâché Bracelet
Pretty in pink papier mâché bracelet
Once children grow out of pre school crafts, they really like making something for themselves. Papier Mâché is really versatile and making a simple bracelet is easy to do.
Time: 20 minutes plus drying time
Age: Over 10's
Level: Medium
Sticky tape
Wallpaper paste
Tissue paper
Take two sheets of newspaper and scruch into a long line.
Bend around into a circle.
Shorten if needed to make the circle smaller.
Tape the ends together.
Rip some more newspaper into thin lengths.
Dip the newspaper and wrap around the circle.
Contine all the way around the circle until you have one layer.
Leave to dry until hard. This could take several hours.
Repeat wrapping the circle with another layer of newspaper and leave to fully dry.
Tear up strips of coloured tissue paper. They are much thinner than newspaper so it's easier to apply paste to the circle then lay over the tissue.
Once dry, repeat with another layer of tissue paper.
The pretty bracelet is now ready to wear. Instead of tissue paper, the bracelet could be painted with gold paint and sequins stuck on to give a jewelled effect
#over_10 's
237761 - 2023-07-18 02:01:53