Papier Mâché Flower Pot
Spotty dotty flower pot
Papier mâché is easy to do but requires a bit of patience. You need to wait between layers for them to dry before starting another layer. This flower pot would make an ideal present.
Time: 1 hour plus drying time between 7 layers (complete over several days)
Age: Over 10's
Level: Medium
Wallpaper paste
Plastic flower pot
Make up the wallpaper paste according the instructions on the packet.
Grease the flower pot with oil so that when your creation is dry it doesn't stick.
Dont forget to grease your template pot
Rip newspaper roughly into mid sized rectangles.
Rip up your newspaper
Dip a piece of newspaper into the wallpaper paste and lay over the flower pot.
Repeat, overlapping the newspaper slightly.
The pieces of newspaper should overlap
Once, you've covered everything, leave the pot to fully dry.
You need to create 6 to 7 layers following this process and allowing each layer to properly dry before starting another.
When all the layers are complete, slip the paper mache flower pot off the plastic pot.
Paint and decorate anyway you want and find a fun plant to put inside. Unless you varnish it, the pot isn't waterproof so you would need to keep your plant in a plastic pot inside.
Decorate anyway you want from painting to putting on stickers
#over_10 's
#mother 's_Day_Present_Ideas
237722 - 2023-07-18 01:59:30