Patchwork Milk Carton Elephant
This is a lovely activity for preschoolers where they can practice their painting and gluing skills. This craft was made using empty snack cheese containers, but you could use any small circular containers you have lying around; egg cartons would even work.
Time: 5 minutes preparation, 10 minutes of craft time.
Age: Under 5's
Level: Easy
Gather your supplies
7 circular containers - we used empty cheese snack containers
Poster Paint - we used yellow, pink, red, green and also some glitter paint.
Paint brushes
Craft glue
One piece of card, we used a back of a cereal packet
Sequins or other decorations
Glue one container where you would like to position the centre of your flower.
Stick all of the other containers around the middle circle as if they are petals of the flower.
Stick on the 'petals' around the centre circle
Continue doing this until you have your flower structure.
Paint the centre of your flower, and then continue to paint the petals in whatever colours you fancy.
Happy crafter
Once you have the flower painted as you would like it, you then need to paint on a flower stem and add on some decorations.
Your flower is complete when you've finished decorating and painting your creation.
This would make an excellent front to an Easter card or for a Get Well card.
238459 - 2023-07-18 03:59:45