Pipe Cleaner Mouse
Squeak, squeak - how cute is this little one? It will only take a few minutes to put this pipe cleaner mouse together and you could easily make a whole family of furry friends.
Pipe Cleaner mouse
Time: 5 minutes
Age: 5 -10's
Level: Easy
1 black pipe cleaner
1 white pipe cleaner
2 pink pipe cleaners
Black permanent marker pen
Take the white pipe cleaner and wrap it around the pencil to form the mouse's head.
Wrap the pipe cleaner around a pencil
Take the black pipe cleaner and wrap it around the pencil to form the mouse's body.
Poke the pink pipe cleaner inside the body
Take the pink pipe cleaner and poke it through both the black and white twisted pipe cleaners. This will form the spine and leave a little bit sticking out at the front to form the mouse's nose. Also leave a longer piece sticking out the back and twist this into a spiral mouse tail.
Add the spinetail
Take the remaining pink pipe cleaner and form two spiral shapes to create little pink mouse ears. Attach the mouse ears to the spine in between the head and the body.
Create mouse ears
Add eyes with the black permanent marker pen, then your little mouse is ready for action. Does he/she need some friends now? It's time to get twisting. Have fun.
Attach the ears
238708 - 2023-07-18 04:10:35
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