Plaster Cast Dinosaur Footprints
Here's a quick and easy idea to make a heart greeting card - perfect for an unusual homemade Valentine's Day card. The heart window in the front of the card is translucent and lets the sun shine through.
Time: 15 minutes
Age: Any age
Level: Easy
Translucent sticky back book covering
A4 size sheet card
Glue stick
Flat decoration items (e.g. shiny hearts)
Fold the card into 3 sections and open out.
Fold one of the end flaps back over again, leaving the other end open. Draw a heart on the double piece and cut through both layers. We drew around a heart shaped cookie cutter to get a neat and easy heart shape.
Cut a piece of sticky back book covering slightly bigger than your cut out shape. Cut a second piece a little bigger (but smaller than your card).
Peel of the paper and stick flat decoration items on the smaller sticky piece.
Peel the paper off the larger sticky piece and stick to the decorated piece, sticky side to stick side. You should now have a decorated 'window' with a sitcky border.
Open up the card and stick the decorated 'window' over the heart shape cut out. The stick border affixes it securely.
Now glue the top flap over to give a regular shaped card with a see-through heart window in the middle.
#Any age
#Valentines Day
#Greeting card
#Sticky back plastic
#Book covering
#Contact paper
238410 - 2023-07-18 03:58:17
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