Rainbow Glue Trail Pictures
These rainbow glue trail pictures are a fun way to explore shapes and texture. With younger children, the activity needs to be done in two parts - creating the glue picture, then painting the next days once the glue picture has dried. Older children could use a hot glue gun with help from an adult and then paint straight away.
Time: 10 minutes to create glue picture then 10 minutes to decorate.
Age: Any age
Level: Medium
PVA glue in squeezy bottle (or hot glue gun)
Thick white paper
Paint (watercolour or poster paint) and brushes
Squeeze the glue from a squeezy bottle onto a piece of thick white paper. You could make a picture or just have fun making trails and shapes.
Try making pictures
Try making patterns
Try making random trails
Allow to dry overnight. Have fun tracing little fingers over the raised glue trails.
Mix poster paint and water together to make a colourful wash or use watercolour paint.
Brush paint over the glue trails. Kids can try following the lines and colouring in, or brushing different colours of paint over the whole picture and watching the glue trail reveal as it resists the paint.
238634 - 2023-07-18 04:08:00
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