Rainbow Scratch ART101
Kids of all ages just love this scratch art project. It's oh so easy, requires only inexpensive materials and is incredibly effective. Best of all, what you create is limited only by your imagination!
Time: 30 - 60 minutes
Age: 5 to 10 year olds with supervision / Over 10s can work independently
Level: Easy
Canvas Boards
Oil Pastels or Good Quality Crayons
Black Poster Paint
Dish Washing Liquid
Flat 2" Brush
Stylus or Make Your Own Scratch Stick with a Kebab Skewer (Lightly Sand Off Sharp tip)
Using as many bright colours as you can, cover your canvas board with oil pastel.
Mix 3 parts black poster paint to 1 part dish washing liquid.
Coat your canvas board with a generous but smooth layer of poster paint mix.
Allow to dry in the sun or use a hairdryer to speed up the process.
Once thoroughly dry use your stylus or scratch stick to lift the top layer of poster paint to reveal your rainbow colours of oil pastel. Doodle whatever you can think of - anything goes!
Happy Scratching!
- Mel
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237827 - 2023-07-18 02:06:24