Recycle Challenge What can I make out of these odd socks
This is a fun outdoor art activity for kids of all ages.
Time: Preparation takes about ten minutes. Activity time depends on how long your child would like to participate.
Age: 3& over
Level: Easy
Spray bottles
Food colouring (colours of your choice)
Butchers paper
Apron (for younger children)
Pour food colouring into spray bottles. The amount of colouring you add will depend on how bright you would like it to come out. The more food colouring, the brighter and deeper the colour.
Add water to colouring in spray bottle.
Place paper onto fence.
Activity is ready to begin. Children will love spraying paint all over the paper.
Note: On a windy day the paint will blow back onto children's faces, their faces may look a little speckled, that's half the fun.
#Messy Play
#Under 5s
#5 to 10s
#Wrapping paper
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