Rocking Chicken
This chicken rocks
Not only does this chicken look great but you can rock her back and forth and it looks like she's pecking the ground.
Time: 20 minutes
Age: Under 5's, 5-10's
Level: Medium
Paper plate
Tissue paper
Scraps of coloured paper
Sticky tape
Fold the paper plate in half and then reopen.
Fold the plate with the side you would eat from on the outside
Paint the paper plate all over the side you would eat from. My toddler used a mix of orange and yellow.
Theres no need to be conventional, you can paint your chicken or bird any colour you want
Cut your paper into several shapes for your child to stick on as the features. A long triangle for the beak and some more for the head. A couple of circles for eyes and some feather shapes.
You can use up scraps of paper
Glue on the beak, eye and feathers. It doesn't matter if they are a bit skewed as this adds to the charm and it's the sticking on that's fun.
Cut the tissue paper into thin strips and gather together. Let your child scrunch them together at one end and then fasten just inside the fold of the plate as the tail.
peck peck goes the rocking chicken
You can now sit your chicken up and rock him back and forth.
237825 - 2023-07-18 02:06:16