Salt Dough Handprint
Before you know it, your baby is a toddler and your toddler a teenager. Making hand prints and impressions are popular ways of preserving a memory.
salt dough is a cheap, fun and easy way to create a hand print impression. You can then bake it and decorate it. My son and I made one recently and he loves to put his hand back on. I'm sure that in years to come he will enjoy seeing how his hand has grown.
Time: 10 minutes plus baking time.
Age: 0-10 years
Level: Easy
Salt dough
Rolling pin
A willing hand
Grease proof paper
Baking tin
Paint brush
Acrylic paint
Roll out the salt dough to a larger size than the hand to be printed. About 1.5cm to 2cm thick is best.
Place hand firmly on the dough and press down.
You might need to help younger children by gently pressing on each finger. My son counted to 5 as we pushed each finger into the dough.
Place on grease proof paper, on a baking tray in a low oven (50 degrees C) for 3 hours. Turn over halfway through baking.
Once fully dried you can paint or decorate however you want. Younger children would be safer with non toxic poster paint. Older children who don't want to stick their fingers in their mouth will get a better finish from acrylic paint.
We also made a footprint impression with my 6 month old so that he could be involved as well.
#under_5 's
#5_to_10 's
237691 - 2023-07-18 01:57:40
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