Silly Collage Faces
This is the perfect magazine recycling activity, especially if you have alot lying around. Children and adults of all ages will have fun sorting through and cutting out all the facial features and then piecing them together to make these super silly collage faces.
Some silly face ideas
Time: 60 minutes
Age: Any Age
Level: Easy
Old magazines
Blank paper
Pens or pencils
Sort through any old magazines and cut out plenty of facial features - eyes, noses, mouths of all different shapes and sizes will work the best for this activity.
Cut out different sized eyes, nose, mouth
Arrange the parts in a mixed up way on a fresh sheet of blank paper, then glue them on. Even small children will enjoy making these crazy faces and they always love getting into the glue too.
Arrange the parts on paper
Add silly shapes to the background to make the faces into animals or cars or houses etc. Have fun and let your imagination take over. The sillier they look, the better.
Make some very silly faces
238769 - 2023-07-18 04:12:36
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