Splatter Planets
Splatter planet
This is a fun and easy activity to make a planet wall decoration to brighten up any room. Younger children will need help to draw the shape, cut out and assemble but will enjoy dropping the food colouring onto the paper and watching the colours disperse.
Time: 15 minutes
Age: Under 5's, 5-10's, Over 10's, Any Age
Level: Easy
Large sheet of paper
Glue stick
Eye dropper
Different colours of food colouring (we used red, blue, yellow, green)
Newspaper to work on to absorb any mess
Cheap starting materials
Cut a large circle to make the planet
Cut a ring to fit round the circle
Planet pieces cut out and ready for colour
Set out some newspaper (to absorb any mess) and put the planet shapes on top
Fill the eye dropper with food colouring and drip onto the planet shapes.
Repeat with different colours and enjoy watching the colours disperse and mix
Young children will enjoy dripping the food colouring onto the paper
Allow to dry
Put some glue on the back of the ring and assemble the planet by tucking the ends of the ring behind the circle and taping. Use a glue stick rather than wet glue, as wet glue will make the colours leak.
Planet assembled and ready to hang
Your spotty planet is now ready to hang. These would make a fun wall decoration for a space themed birthday party with
fruit rocket ship skewers and a rocket ship birthday cake.
#under_5 's
#5_to_10 's
237748 - 2023-07-18 02:01:02